Remote Education
Pupils will be directed to remote learning either as part of our Rowhill Refresh Programme or as part of a provision where pupils are moving from a full-time off-site learning programme, to an on site one. The remote learning will form part of their reintegration back onto the school site.
Academy 21
Our preferred online learning provider is Academy21 covering a broad range of core and non-sore subjects.
Lessons are in real time with the option of consolidation and/or recorded sessions if required. In addition to this essential study skills and tutorials are encouraged.
Students can interact with their teacher, and lesson content through polling tools, quizzes, written responses in chat pods, on mic or through whiteboards. They can also communicate directly with the teacher in a private chat pod if they feel more comfortable to do so.
There is daily reporting on student's effort, understanding, and engagement. These scores enable our teachers to identify areas where students may need more support and tailor their teaching methods accordingly. Students' schools can access teacher feedback and regular reports via their Mentor Portal to easily view the student's progress.
You can find out more about Academy 21 here on their website.
Rowhill Refresh
As part of our outreach provision to schools Rowhill Refresh is an off-site learning provision for young people who need support to re-engage with their education:
- Weekly safeguarding visit with a dedicated member of staff.
- Assessment of need and exploration of interventions that enable personalised wellbeing development.
- Family liaison service including signposting to essential services.
- Swift registration and support to access Academy 21.
- Feedback and review of engagement and attendance to both student and referring school in line with Department of Education guidance.
- Liaison with referring school and support to transition back to school.