Rowhill School


At Rowhill School, we consider the safeguarding of our children as the highest priority and work closely with our mainstream partners and local community to keep our pupils safe.

Safeguarding is defined as:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment.
  • Preventing the impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development.
  • Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

(Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022)

Our Safeguarding Team

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Matthew Poole –

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – Vicky Essex, Laura Hann, Sarah White, and Lisa Prior

Designated Teacher & Mental Health Lead – Sarah White

Safeguarding Governor – Jane Pratt


Email address for any concerns

Pupil Text Number (Pupils Only) 07800 006263

Please note that these contact details are not manned 24/7. If you have immediate concerns you should contact the police on 999.

If you have concern for a child that is not immediate, the Children’s Reception Team can be contacted on 0300 555 1384 and referrals can be made via the Inter-Agency Referral Form.

Staff Training

All staff are trained according to statutory guidance and take part in consistent refresher training throughout the year. We recognise that every single member of staff has a key role in keeping our pupil’s safe.

We also have staff that specialise in a number of topics including Mental Health and Child Criminal Exploitation to ensure that all pupil’s get the support that is right for them.

Safeguarding Curriculum

We have a responsive safeguarding curriculum that reflects the needs of our current cohort and involves us working closely with our local community. Our curriculum is updated half termly to reflect the recent work that has taken place in school.

In the Autumn Term, we are planning to have off-curricular days that discuss and support individuals Mental Health in-line with World Mental Health Day on 10th October 2022, and Sexual Harassment and Violence in-line with the Everyone’s Invited movement and Ofsted’s findings earlier in the year.

Online Safety

Online Safety is one of our key Safeguarding themes and we work in partnership with National Online Safety to support our staff, pupils and parents.

Parents are invited to sign up to National Online Safety for up to date information and advice on keeping their children safe online. The resource is free and parents can sign up to it via the link below:

NOS Parents Access

Child Protection Policy

Code of Conduct Policy

Hampshire County Council Safeguarding Poster for Parents and Carers

Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding what we do